Holopackage® FIRE


Mixed Reality - Training for the fire departments of the future

Mixed Reality will change the training and work of fire departments. The fire brigades of the future train with Holopackage Fire. The decisive advantage of this new type of training is the visualization of dangers at real training locations.

Each instructor has the option of overlaying the exercise object with holograms using a tablet, and new dimensions of training will arise. In the past, trainees have had to imagine the hazardous scenarios they might encounter (flames, smoke, etc.).

Because of this, and because no two people think alike, or approach challenges the same way, new trainees have often misjudged or mishandled new situations or threats. With the slogan "Imagine", REALSIM® puts an end to these challenges. Every conceivable scenario can be visualized by REALSIM® and transferred to the Holopackage FIRE library.

You determine the scenario. Please keep in mind that each visualized fire has different danger levels on different exercise objects. A hologram fire in a supermarket requires different thinking and decision-making patterns than in a classic apartment fire.

You are the director, capable of adding new possibilities and dimensions to every exercise and training. Find out more and become part of Holopackage FIRE, because reality is deception!

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